If your house is anything like mine, your tables are probably stacked a foot high with endless toy catalogs, gift guides, and seasonal sales brochures.
In mine, all of these have already been read carefully a dozen times or more by an eager 5-year-old, crayon in hand.
Every toy has been circled, half of them have been circled and starred. The really good ones can get up to five stars in a whole rainbow of stylistic circles and asterisks. By the time she’s done with these catalogs, you can’t even tell what’s on the page anymore.
This might be excessive and, sure, I do wish the kid would spend a little more time reading her books and a little less adding to her Santa list, but it’s a tradition, and it’s a tradition that I support.
This is how we all probably spent our childhoods, pouring over those giant JC Penny catalogs and infinite Toys “R” Us tomes for all of our holiday hopes and dreams. It’s part of the season we all loved. And it’s a part we all had to give up when we traded in our stockings for the grown up world.
But not this year.
This year, we’ve brought the toy catalog back for NED readers. A holiday gift guide for the industrial grown ups, filled with all the holiday hopes and dreams that fit into our grown up, industrial lives.
That might seem like an odd move for a magazine like this—and I know we’re prone to odd ideas—but I think this project fits here perfectly.
Because, this is what NED is all about, really. We scour the Earth every month to find the latest gear, tools, and contraptions designed to make your life a little easier. To help you find that productivity enhancer you’ve been waiting for.
And every month, we send it out to you hoping it will land in your lap like its own little Christmas catalog—that you’ll tear through it and circle all the products you want the most, maybe throw a star or two by the really good ones.
So we thought, why not go ahead and make this official with our own, NED Holiday Gift Guides:
We’ve included everything from smart helmets and survival belts to slick multi-tools and waterproof boots. We even threw in a shovel, in case winter ever hits.
It’s a full range of the coolest holiday gifts we could find, guaranteed to make you a holiday hero for your team if you deliver. Or, if you prefer, you can pin these to your own personal wishlist.
If nothing else, I think this guide can serve as a reminder to us all that, however useful or vital they are to our jobs, industrial tools and gadgets are really just toys for grown ups that we somehow get paid to play with. And that’s not too bad.
So grab your crayons and take a look.