The Forging Industry Association announces that Early Exhibitor Registration for Forge Fair 2006, April 4-6, 2006 in Cincinnati, OH, expires at the end of October.
Register before then to take advantage of the discounted price, to have your company name listed in the attendee brochure, and to have your booth promoted in the Virtual Trade Show.
Go to the FIA website and click on Forge Fair to access the Exhibitor Brochure, or e-mail to [email protected] for additional information.
Technical Conference Scheduled for Nov. 7-9
Over 20 industry and academic research partners will present innovations being used to reduce energy costs, optimize material usage, extend die life, and control plant processes at the Forging Industry Technical Conference in Chicago, November 7-9.
Rick Dauch, executive vice president of Worldwide Manufacturing for American Axle and Manufacturing Inc., will present a keynote address on “The Evolution of the U.S. Forging Industry in the Automotive Supply Chain.”
Running simultaneously with the conference will be a table-top exhibit, student poster session, and provide networking opportunities to learn more about or become involved in research projects.
Contact the FIA/FIERF office (216-781-6260, or [email protected]), or visit the FIA website and select Calendar of Events for the complete conference agenda and registration information.
New Forging Book Available to FIA Members
ASM International has just published the new reference, Hot and Cold Forging, Fundamentals and Applications, edited by T. Altan, G. Ngaile, and G. Shen. It reviews the fundamentals of forging technology, the principal variables of the forging process and their interactions, and computer-aided techniques such as finite element analysis (FEA) for forging process and tooling design. Topics addressed include the flow behavior of the forged material under processing conditions; die geometry and die materials; friction and lubrication; the mechanics of deformation (strains and stresses); the characteristics of forging equipment; the geometry, tolerances, surface finish and mechanical properties of forgings; and the effects of the process on the environment. A major emphasis is on the latest developments in the design of forging operations and dies, and process modeling using FEA is discussed in all of the relevant chapters. It can be ordered by contacting Customer Service, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002. Call 1-800-336-5152; Fax: 440- 338-4634; or e-mail: ASM Customer Service. Mention that you are a FIA member to receive the discount.
2005-06 Technology Plan Announced by FIA/FIERF
The Forging Industry Association and Forging Industry Educational and Research Foundation jointly support a multi-tiered program of technology development and deployment to improve the competitiveness of the forging industry. The effort follows targets and objectives laid out (long-term) in the “Forging Industry Technology Roadmap” and (short-term) in the “Forging Industry Technology Plan.” The plan summarizes:
• Active projects that have been funded for development; • New projects being developed for a CY 2005-2006 start;
• Programs that will help to quantify the technical advantages of the forging process when compared to competing technologies;
• Program funding activities at the federal and state levels;
• Industry cooperation with the Department of Defense-partnered Forging Defense Manufacturing Consortium.
To receive a copy of the plan if you have an interest in getting involved with a specific project, or if you have questions about completed programs, contact FIA director of Research/Education George Mochnal at 239-394-5717, or contact him by e-mail.
FIA Website Sets New Mark for Visitors
The Forging Industry Association’s website recorded over 29,000 visits in September 2005 for a 33% increase over the number of visits in September 2004.
The most-frequently accessed pages were: Forging Facts, Buyers Guide/Custom Forging Producers, Members Only, Career Center, Catalog of Products, Press Releases, Design Engineering Center, Buyers Guide/Suppliers Guide, Forge Fair, and Classified Advertising.