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3D Printing Machine

Trial Program Lets Manufacturers Validate the Benefits of AM

March 8, 2019
Manufacturers can validate the benefits of additive manufacturing and build technical expertise without the need for upfront capital investment.

Royal DSM, a global purpose-led, science-based company in Nutrition, Health, and Sustainable Living, and JuggerBot 3D, an additive manufacturing machine builder specializing in production 3D printing, are offering a trial program for companies to evaluate engineering-grade materials in an industrial-grade filament printer without the upfront investment in hardware.

“While adoption of additive manufacturing (AM) in production environments is increasing rapidly, many companies continue to face challenges as they work to adopt the technology,” said Jill Cohen, Global Marketing & Sales Director of Additive Manufacturing at DSM. “The two issues reported most frequently are the cost of equipment (and/or limited investment budget) and the lack of in-house expertise on various 3D printing technologies.”

To help overcome these challenges, DSM and JuggerBot 3D are initiating a trial program to offer selected companies the use of an industrial-grade JuggerBot 3D printer for testing DSM-engineered materials.

“For additive manufacturing to make it into mainstream production, it requires industrial-grade printers that can process engineered materials in a reliable and consistent way,” explains Daniel Fernback, CEO of JuggerBot 3D. “JuggerBot 3D has focused the design of their systems to be uniquely capable of processing a wide variety of high performance, engineered materials - like DSM’s line of thermoplastics for additive manufacturing.”

JuggerBot 3D printers are material-agnostic and standalone systems, with a built-in unit to keep filaments dry before processing them in the machine. Its patented Interdependent Drive System, using both push and pull filament extrusion forces, makes it the most flexible system on the market. Easy and streamlined production is made possible thanks to controls and software, including material profiles, that have been built into the system.

Initial trial customers include 3D printing service bureaus and design companies active in transportation, consumer appliances, and medical prosthetic devices & sockets. They will receive hardware and material- support throughout the trial period and only pay for a deposit and the materials consumed.

Companies can apply for participation by visiting juggerbot3d.com/DSM-additive-manufacturing-customer-trials/ or contacting JuggerBot 3D ([email protected]), or DSM Additive Manufacturing ([email protected]). The program is currently only available in the USA.

About the Author

JuggerBot 3D LLC

JuggerBot 3D is an additive manufacturing machine builder whose mission is to design and build the finest 3D printing solutions in the world while delivering technology that meets customers’ criteria for performance, reliability, and value. Through this, they help to ensure the on-going innovation and prosperity of manufacturing around the world.