The benefits of having engaged workers are not a secret: research shows that engaged employees consistently demonstrate lower absenteeism, lower turnover, fewer safety accidents, higher productivity and higher profitability.
The tricky part has always been in figuring out how to get them engaged.
It comes down to three simple, yet important steps:
1. Communication: Consistent communication leads to greater engagement.
Employees with managers who hold regular meetings with them are nearly three times more likely to be engaged. But the most engaged employees are those who have some form of daily communication with their manager.
2. Performance Management: The most disengaged employees are those who aren’t clear about what their expectations at work are. Those employees, thus, often consider annual reviews to be superficial. Instead, employees need to understand what they’re supposed to be doing and how that work meshes with everyone else’s work.
3. Strengths over Weaknesses: Managers who help employees develop their strengths are twice as likely to have engaged workers.
Read more on employee engagement at EHS Today.
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