open-die forging

Open-Die Forging Market Analysis

April 3, 2019
Open-Die Forging Book 2018 is a new volume presented as the first industry directory; profiles manufacturers, collects data, forecasts trends

SMR Premium GmbH is publishing a director of open-die forging industry data, describing it as "the first, comprehensive handbook of open die forging producers, including company profiles of more than 270 global producers, and a separate chapter about forging market data."

Open-Die Forging Book 2018 is available to order at  

According to the publisher’s announcement, the global open-die forging industry faces new developments and requirements from consumer markets that will lead to an increasing demand for high-quality forgings. The global open-die forging market reached a volume of 5.2 million metric tons in 2017, +5% over 2016.

Presently, the main markets for open-die forgings are in different phases of their business cycles: The aerospace industry is promising steady growth, the automotive industry growing but at a declining rate, the power-generation industry (renewables, nuclear) is growing, the processing industry is struggling with reduced capital expenditures, the oil-and-gas industry is recovering from a downturn, and the hardest hit conventional power-generation industry is returning to growth phase as the world demands more electricity.

According to the announcement, demand for open-die forgings is forecast to grow at a CAGR rate of 4.8% from 2017 to 2020 and will grow the strongest in North America, followed by Asia, Europe, and the rest of the world (ROW.) In terms of demand for selected steel grades, highest growth will come from more demanding applications requiring stainless steel forgings (oil-and-gas industry) and value-added alloy steel forgings, as well as alloy tool steel forgings.

SMR Premium is as a consulting group focused on the markets of remelted steels, forged products and high-value metals, like titanium and powder metallurgy.  Inquiries may be addressed to [email protected] or [email protected]