Cincinnati’s Duke Energy Center (photo by Dan Ledbetter.)
Tuesday, April 20
Registration Open 10:00 a.m.
Technical Sessions 12:45 p.m. - 3:55 p.m.
Exhibits Open 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Reception in Exhibit Hall 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 21
Exhibits Open
Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Lunch in Exhibit Hall 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Reception in Exhibit Hall 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m. - 11:25 a.m.
1:45 p.m - 4:45 p.m.
Thursday, April 22
Exhibits Open
Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Lunch in Exhibit Hall 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Technical Sessions 9:00 a.m. - 11:25 a.m.
Since the last staging of FORGE FAIR – the triennial technology trade show and symposium sponsored by the Forging Industry Assn. – the worldwide forging industry has soared with the rise of worldwide industrial demand, and then tumbled with the rest of the global economy. Now, with infrastructure spending and reliable consumer markets like energy and aerospace, it’s getting ready to rebound.
The timing couldn’t be better. FORGE FAIR 2010 will take place in Cincinnati April 20-22, bringing a fresh opportunity for forgers to inspect the latest developments in production and process control, as well as consumable products, and to determine what new ideas may be the best choices for their plants and operations.
Exhibitors are ready. Suppliers from across the world will be on the scene in Cincinnati to display, demonstrate, and discuss their products and services. On the following pages we’ll preview the exhibit plans for dozens of forging industry equipment and technology suppliers.
A. Finkl & Sons. Co
A. Finkl & Sons, Co. is a fully integrated steel mill offering a full range of hammer and press die tooling materials. This family of die steels meets the needs of today’s most challenging forging applications. Finkl will be exhibiting and presenting a technical paper on “WF” material, a versatile die steel that can be used in both hammer and press forging applications.
Booth 303
ABP Induction
ABP Induction LLC supplies induction systems for forging, melting, heat treating, and other industries. Our featured forging products are zone control systems using exclusive AMT (Advanced Module Technology) IGBT modules that reduce downtime and troubleshooting. Zone control offers the ability to independently control multiple standalone converter zones. Control of the power and alternative frequency selection in each zone renders the next level in technological advancements.
Booth 405
Ajax TOCCO Magnethermic
Ajax TOCCO Magnethermic manufactures induction heating and melting equipment, with operations in nine countries. As well as serving the steel, pipe and tube, automotive, and foundry industries, Ajax TOCCO has a global commitment to the forging industry. Ajax TOCCO consistently leads the way in developing new induction heating technology providing new ideas for the forging industry’s drive to support existing customers and capture new markets.
Booth 900
AMSAW® high-speed, saw machines use carbide blades to improve the cutting speed of ferrous and non-ferrous bars or billets, rails, profiles, pipes and tubes. Standard features include: compact, rigid design; hardened spindle gears ground for minimum backlash; special saw blade guide and dampening device for accurate cutting, to stabilize blade and prolong tool life; low maintenance design; no-coolant operation; blade changeover under 3 min.; double and triple measurement strokes for extra length cuts; and fast, dependable chip disposal.
Booth 112
Bhler-Uddeholm continues to develop new die steel materials to address common issues like hot wear, thermal fatigue, cracking, and plastic deformation. From our 14 locations across the USA, we offer fast and reliable service from a full range of products and sizes. Our staff metallurgists offer unparalleled technical support in finding optimal solutions to reduce your manufacturing costs.
Booth 605
Campbell Press & Hammer Repair
Campbell Press & Hammer Repair repairs and rebuilds mechanical and hydraulic forging hammers and presses, as well as upsetters, cold headers, forging rolls, impactors, screw presses, trim presses, thread rollers, bolsters, and other auxiliary equipment. We provide emergency repair work on worn, damaged, or broken parts, including crankshafts, pitmans, rams, guides, gears, drive shafts as well as rams, platens, beds, columns, cross heads and crowns. Campbell also provides used and new replacement parts, and on-site inspection, disassembly, repair, and assembly work, including portable welding and machining.
Booth 120
CKS Precision Machining
CKS Precision Machining is a complete contract-manufacturing source for build-to-print steel, aluminum, brass, bronze, and composite products. CKS is dedicated to delivering parts to spec, on-time, with our CNC milling, turning, grinding, EDM, and heat-treat capabilities, supplying aerospace, defense, forge tooling and machine tooling industries and other customers.
Booth 104
Composite Forgings Ltd.
Composite Forgings’ Hardtem® line of die steels are produced using advanced melting technology and micro-alloys. Our die steels possess balanced chemistry and excellent mechanical properties. They include Hardtem®, Prestem®, Pyrotem®, Thermotem® and Super Hardtem®. Double tempered for uniform hardness and improved machining, and ultrasonic tested for soundness. We stock standard rounds and rectangles and can produce custom forged shapes and sizes. ISO certified since 1993.
Booth 711
Condat Corp.
CONDAFORGE 607 is a “new” water-based lubricant developed for warm and hot forging of ferrous metals, or for forging titanium alloys. This specific formulation technology combines an ultra-fine graphite with an optimized binder system, allowing exceptional adhesion of the graphited film on high-temperature dies. With this tenacious lubricating film, complicated parts can be produced as it allows for higher deformation (such as long extruded parts). CONDAFORGE 607 also improves part fill and leaves no residue on tools, increasing die life. The high level of lubricating solids in CONDAFORGE 607 allows low concentrations (2-20%) and generates substantial savings in lubricant consumption.
Booth 114
COR-MET offers welding repair applications for impression dies, rotary forge hammer dies, open press dies, ring roller cones, forge and trim tooling. Welding alloys include chrome hot work, NiCrMo, nickel- and cobalt-base products. The customized “Forge Die Weld Repair Training Program” trains welders in carbon arc, weld procedure preparation, alloy selection, preheat, welding with stick electrode, MIG, TIG, floodwelding with W2 wire welding stick, tempering, and inspection.
Booth 115
Cut Technologies
Cut Technologies manufactures disposable, high-production Cermet saws for Tsune, Nishijimax, and Wagner from our new, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility near Seattle. We offer a full line of Cermet high-carbon and stainless steel disposable saws for high-production cold saw machines. All saws are available with a new PVD coating, for a wear-resistant finish that results in longer blade life.
Booth 715
Dango & Dienenthal
Located in Siegen, Luxembourg, Dango & Diententhal started as a non-ferrous foundry in 1865. In 1901, the core business changed to special machine building, providing equipment such as taphole closing and opening devices and mobile and rail-bound forging manipulators. These special handling machines for metallurgical and forging plants are still being developed and manufactured today. Slag raking machines for steel plants, and special filter technology for the purification of liquids in industrial plants round off the production program. Dango & Dienenthal has received the highest market share among all of the suppliers in those fields.
Booth 122
Eaton Steel Bar Co.
Eaton Steel Bar Co. is both a hot-roll bar depot and a state-of-the-art cold-finished steel bar producer. Strategically located in southeast Michigan, we service the steel bar needs of the entire North American market as the largest special bar quality distributor, and of the five largest SBQ buyers. A true “specialist” when it comes to carbon and alloy hot-roll and cold-drawn steel bars, the company is currently involved in a massive expansion project at Oak Park, MI, with new, state-of-the-arc robotic-cutting cells designed to lower customers’ bottom-line costs, providing ready-to-use first operational blanks. Eaton Steel maintains six operating divisions: Eaton Steel Bar Co., Eaton Steel Corp.; Hercules Drawn Steel Corp.; Atlas Trucking LLC; Atlas Logistics LLC; and Titan Metallurgy LLC.
Booth 713
Electalloy/G.O. Carlson Inc.
Electralloy is a custom melt producer of stainless, duplex, nickel, copper nickel, low expansion and Nitronic® alloys. We feature a 35-ton EAF and two AOD refining units for primary melting, and remelt facilities including both ESR and VAR. Products include ingots, master alloy, billets, bars, coil rod, weld wire, slab, and plate. Electralloy plate products are produced and marketed with the experience and expertise of G.O. Carlson for customers in the aerospace, power generation, forging, nuclear, marine, chemical, petro-chemical, corrosion and high-temperature environment industries.
Booth 921
Enprotech provides complete forging and press equipment repair and rebuilding services on all makes of mechanical and hydraulic presses. We offer control and lube system upgrades; field service, including portable machining and welding; and trouble-shooting from service centers in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. New Verson-LCM hydraulic presses to 15,000 tons and new Verson and Danly presses and replacement parts. We also offer U.S. service and support for Sumitomo forging presses and Mitsui induction heaters. Our engineering experience and facilities can handle your largest equipment.
Booth 914
Forge Technology Inc./QuantoForm Ltd.
Forge Technology, Inc. and Quantor-Form Ltd. will demonstrate the latest release of QForm2D/3D forging simulation software. The powerful, affordable, and easy-to-use tool offers forging engineers advanced capabilities in microstructure analysis, heat treatment, advanced material flow, and die stress analysis. These features improve QForm’s performance while retaining its user friendliness. We will demonstrate how it will save time and money, including real-world applications of forging simulation software and what to look for in a simulation package. We also will offer free six-week trials of QForm. Product debuts for QForm3D/2D v. 5.1; QForm Heat Treatment; QForm Micro-Structure; QForm Extrusion; and QForm Lite.
Booth 506
The newly redesigned GERB Spring-VISCODAMPERs may drastically reduce the forces transmitted to surroundings, so machining centers, CMMs, furnaces compressors and pumps can be located conveniently near heavy forging presses and hammers. Spring-supported foundations allow nearby placement of all sensitive equipment, and minimize the problems presented by encroaching suburban developments. Effects of poor soil are controlled, as much smaller force transmission reduces the risk of differential hammer settlement and resulting wear.
Booth 712
Gerdau MACSTEEL produces special bar quality engineered carbon and alloy steel bars for steel forging, machining and converting, with three steel melt shops and five steel processing plants. In 2008, MACSTEEL became part of internationally renowned Gerdau Group. With over 37,000 employees, Gerdau has facilities across four continents with a combined capacity to produce nearly 25 million tons of steel products, such as SBQ, structural, merchant bar and rebar. With the addition of MACSTEEL, Gerdau is first in the world supplying specialty steels to the automotive market, and a top global producer of specialty steels.
Booth 604
Girard Engineering
Girard Engineering will exhibit our expertise in supplying turn-key automation solutions for the forging industries. This includes electrical controls, hydraulic systems, hydraulic system controls, robotic automation, and die spray systems.
Booth 901
Greenerd Press & Machine Co. Inc.
Greenerd’s extensive line of hydraulic presses, in all sizes and configurations, include presses for hot and cold forging from strategic manufacturing partner Tianjin Tianduan Press Co. (China). Hydraulic presses range from 200 to 40,000 tons for forging and trimming. Additional press styles range from gap frame and straight-side, to die-spotting, and can be configured to 40,000 tons. Greenerd also offers trim presses with capability to 1,000 tons and bed sizes to 150-in. Application experts will be available to discuss specific applications and press requirements.
Booth 121
Hausermann uses state-of-the-art equipment, from CAD/CAM to large CMMs, along with high-speed, look-ahead CNC machine centers, and CNC/EDMs. Our innovative thinking is proven by seven patents for toolmaking. Our abrading process for making 3D graphite electrodes quickly and dependably, while maintaining close tolerance, was followed by the development of a CNC for EDM. The control, along with Smart Sense software and circuitry, ensures arc-free EDMing and superior metal removal rates in the toughest high-alloy welded materials.
Booth 601
Henkel supplies, lubricants, rust preventatives, cleaners, machining and grinding fluids and application equipment for forging. We offer brands such as Acheson™, P3® and Deltaforge® die lubricants and billet coatings; DAG® application equipment; Multan® metalworking fluids; and Bonderlube® FL polymer cold-forming lubricants. With an extensive product portfolio, equipment, and service expertise, Henkel can keep forging operations running smoothly by reducing complexity, and increasing process efficiency to provide cost savings throughout the value chain.
Booth 403
Inductoheat, an Inductotherm Group Company, is dedicated to providing customers with high-quality induction forge heating equipment. Our new products for bar and billet heating incorporate flexible, modular design and are built with lean manufacturing principles. With the constant evolution of our proven, patented products, Inductoheat will continue to bring the best technology to our customers around the globe. We will be showcasing a two-module InductoForge® billet heating system, fully equipped with a heavy-duty tractor chain drive in-feed system, a single-chain billet extractor and computer programmed with IHAZ™ temperature profile modeling.
Booth 400
InfoSight will exhibit the bar coded X-Tag™ now in use at several U.S. forging locations. It is printed on demand with high-quality bar codes and survives heat soak temperatures for extended periods of time. Also displayed will be mill-duty CO2 laser printers, proven reliable bar coding solutions for the steel industry for the last 15 years. InfoSight personnel will conduct live demonstrations of printing bar codes that can withstand your harsh processes.
Booth 910
Inter-Power Forging
Inter-Power Corp. provides thermal processing solutions through the application of state-of-the-art induction heating technologies. We are the single-source supplier of fully integrated turnkey heating systems. Forge-LinkSM – our hot and warm forming systems, rated at 10 to 12,000 kW output power and frequencies from 100 Hz to 300 kHz – are integrated systems with high-frequency power supplies, heat stations, custom coils, integral water cooling, part handling automation, tooling, operator controls, and real-time quality monitoring systems. We’ll display a fully integrated, 1,000-kW induction billet heater with zone control technology, dual-output frequencies, coil shuttle mechanism, a pinch wheel drive, and vibratory track infeed system.
Booth 504
Kreher Steel
Kreher Steel Co. LLC supplies hot-rolled, cold-finished bars, and stainless bars; rod and wire products; and heat-treated bar products in a wide range of sizes and grades. Founded in 1978, we have six full-time metallurgists on staff for bar and coil products, and we provide in-house saw cutting and turning.
Booth 912
Nutec Bickley
At its 86,000ft2 HQ in Monterrey, Mexico, Nutec Bickley manufactures thermal processing equipment for the furnace and heat treatment industries, including a comprehensive range of heavy-duty box furnaces and car-bottom furnaces. Both product lines are designed in sizes from over 35 ft3 to over 3,500 ft3, and operate at temperatures from 300º to 2,450ºF. NB has also developed a number of heat-recovery systems and technologies to cope with current fuel costs. NB customers worldwide use heat exchangers, specialized combustion (recuperative or regenerative burners), and combustion control systems to achieve real fuel savings and operating cost reductions.
Booth 905
As the global market leader for second-hand forging equipment, PRESSTRADE Group has in stock closed- and open-die forging machines. PRESSTRADE also offers new machines. Standard models are offered at competitive prices and short-delivery times in cooperation with qualified partners. Transport and customs clearance can be organized by STL Logistics, the in-house forwarding agent. Through Forgetec Schmiedeservice GmbH, PRESSTRADE Group offers a complete range of technical services worldwide. Thanks to qualified personnel, comprehensive know-how, and state-of-the-art equipment, disassembly and reassembly, repair, overhauling, and modernization are offered.
Booth 302
Republic Engineered Products
Republic Engineered Products is a leading producer of SBQ products and a wide variety of carbon and alloy engineering steels, in bar and coil products, and in various shapes. We produce hot-rolled and cold-finished products and make injected steels for improved machineablility, elevating quality levels for demanding applications. Republic continues its capital investment program: Our newest product is also one of our oldest, as we reenter the ingot market with a new, specialized facility for producing high-quality bottom-poured ingots in Canton, OH. This year, we will bring online a new Kocks 370++ precision sizing mill in Lackawanna, NY.
Booth 907
S&S Die Company
S & S Die Co. is family-owned and has been serving the forging industry since 1971. Specializing in manufacturing tooling of all types, it is equipped with a large machining capacity, in-house welding, multiple CNC mills, lathe, wire EDM, and gun-drilling capabilities. We feature state-of-the-art, six-axis CNC milling for complicated projects. Expertise in designing and manufacturing dies, trim components, coin, roll, and cross wedge roll dies makes S & S Die a first-rate choice as a tooling supplier. Maintenance departments can benefit from our ability to manufacture new or weld/rework bolsters, rams, sow blocks, cassettes and various other maintenance components. S & S Die Co. prides itself on competitive pricing, prompt deliveries, and quality products.
Booth 925
Schuler-Mller Weingarten
The Schuler Group will highlight its full range of systems for precision cold, warm and hot forging – including the Mller Weingarten and Bch brands, as well as the new technological and sales partnership with Wepuko Hydraulik to build and sell Pahnke open-die forging presses. At Forge Fair, we’ll feature developments in the production of railway wheels, pre-forms for large rings and turbine blades, and the latest applications and trends for large screw presses. Technical experts will be available. With hydraulic, mechanical or servo drive systems, Schuler provides custom-engineered, fully automated forging lines; open-die presses; counterblow and shortstroke hammers; and screw presses. Information on the large variety of commercial examples of these applications, along with BCN Technical Services, aligned to provide turnkey repair, rebuild, refurbish, and modernize of all brands of forging equipment will be displayed, too.
Booth 500
Simufact will present the new release of its 3D forging simulation software, Simufact forming 9.0. All the new capabilities will be highlighted by means of real-world shop floor examples, demonstrated live in the booth, and discussed during a 30-minute product presentation. One example is a design optimization of a hot forging process to eliminate a fold that occurred during physical try-outs. The simulation demonstrates that the fold was caused by a material flow-through. Actual parts for the example and others will be available. Recent partnerships with tool design companies will be discussed, too.
Booth 922
SMS Elotherm Induction Technology
SMS Elotherm presents a comprehensive line of high-performance induction solutions for forging and related applications, such as hardening, heating and heat-treating of bars, billets, slugs, and other work pieces of all sizes, shapes, alloys, and applications. Experts will discuss your applications and answer your questions about how “green” induction technology can improve productivity and quality, while saving energy and reducing emissions.
Booth 902
SMS Meer
SMS Meer will show Eumuco Hasenclever’s complete lines for closed-die and open-die forging equipment from its hydraulic press division, as well as individual forging and pre-forming machines for closed-die and open-die applications. Closed-die equipment (from 800-40,000 t) includes eccentric presses, wedge presses, and screw presses, as well as pre-forming machines such as forge rolls and cross rolls. Automation equipment, such as the latest walking-beam systems also will be highlighted. Open-die presses are provided in both push down and pull down types along with multi ram rotary forge machines and related manipulators. SMS Meer also offer spare parts, service and modernization for all forging equipment.
Booth 902
Superbolt Inc.
Bolting Made Simple – Superbolt® Inc. Multi-Jackbolt Tensioners (MJTs) are an innovative bolting product designed to eliminate unsafe and time-consuming bolting methods. Only hand tools are required to install or remove any size tensioner! Also at this year’s Forge Fair, Superbolt® will be introducing its newest addition to the bolting family – the Split-Nut Thrust Collar (STC). While the MJT can be an ideal solution for large diameter bolting, STCs make tensioning even easier for large press columns. We look forward to seeing you at the show and solving your bolting problems!
Booth 801
Technology Management Services
Forge2009, the reference simulation tool for bulk metal forming, will be on display. It can simulate the forging of complex-shaped parts together with cogging, ring rolling, wedge rolling, flat and profile rolling, roll forming, flow forming, extrusion and blanking. It includes coupled analysis of stresses, temperature, and shape change in dies. Recent additions to the software include the capability to simulate anisotropy, porosity, and microstructure changes during forging, together with heat treatment after forging. A major new feature is automatic process optimization, which systematically finds the best processing conditions to achieve a goal specified by the user.
Booth 708
The Timken Company
Timken manufactures high-quality carbon and alloy steel ingots and strand-cast products, to meet quality, cleanliness, and cross-sectional reduction needs. Our product is supplied in as-cast, rolled, or pierced forms. We supply the largest range of rolled products in North America, which include round bar sizes from 1 to 16 in., round-corner square bars from 3.2 to 12.5 in., blooms up to 2020 in., and seamless tubes ranging from 1.9 to 13 in. OD. Our bars and billets are supplied in long lengths and cut-to-order.
Booth 705
Vibro/Dynamics Corp. will display a complete line of vibration and shock isolation products specifically designed for forging machinery, such as die forgers, drop hammers, screw and forging presses. Products include: high-performance MRM isolation elements for hammers, featuring unitized construction of elastomer modules and galvanized sheet steel for faster, error-free installations; viscous damped, steel coil spring isolators; elastomer machine mounts, featuring a variety of built-in leveling devices using vertical leveling screws, wedge mechanisms and shims; and elastomer isolation elements with swivel/pivot mechanisms, off-center attachment bolts, and intregral openings for hydraulic jacks. Isolation systems are custom-engineered to provide the optimal levels of vibration isolation and machine stability, motion control and height adjustment.
Booth 501
A. Finkl & Sons Co. 303 |