Virginia Forge Co. wanted to cut cycle times andthe expense of tune-up kits with its blast cleaning operation, and it found the results it wanted in an Equipment Modernization Program (EMP) offered by the Wheelabrator Group (
Within the scope of the EMP, two new EzeFit wheels were installed on a 34-in. tumblast machine at Virginia Forge — a subsidiary of Meadville Forging Corp., in Buchanan, VA — in March 2005. The wheels ran for an entire year before needing a tune-up.
Daniel Jennings, forging supervisor with Virginia Forge states, "The new EzeFit wheels have definitely saved us money. We were installing tune up kits for the old wheel units about every two to three months. The EzeFit wheels ran for a year before we needed to install the first tune up kit."
EzeFit wheels offer the inherent advantage of bi-directional rotation and can lower replacement parts inventory because they have the ability to serve clockwise or counterclockwise wheel applications with a single wheel style. Wheelabrator capitalized on this advantage with a direct-drive design that offers standard or customized base mounting for increased versatility. EzeFit wheels are available in 3.5-in. or 2.5-in. blade widths; 3,600- and 1,800-rpm versions are offered in a variety of wheel diameters.
In addition, Wheelabrator makes TargetLok control cage positioning standard on all EzeFit wheels, to ensure consistent control-cage location no matter how many times the tune-up kits are changed.
EMP is offered by Wheelabrator Plus, the parts and equipment modernization division of the Wheelabrator Group. Under EMP, regionally based Wheelabrator Plus sales and service teams provide a variety of services, including on-site training, maintenance, repair, and service programs, as well as a complete range of replacement parts for a variety of wheel-blast and air-blasting applications.
Jennings comments, "We have been very impressed with the EMP program offered by Wheelabrator. Tim Daniels and Rodney Barnes consistently make suggestions that result in cost savings."