FIA Supports Project to Measure and Predict Product Quality, Equipment Functionality

Nov. 28, 2006
A project to meld real-time dimensional control, monitoring of equipment, and the ability to predict future equipment functionality and product quality through automated process control has been funded by the National Science Foundation in the ...

A project to meld real-time dimensional control, monitoring of equipment, and the ability to predict future equipment functionality and product quality through automated process control has been funded by the National Science Foundation in the amount of $500,000. An additional $250,000 from the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund also has been awarded.

Professor Jan Shi of the University of Michigan will be developing the algorithms to support the project.

Partners in the project include American Axle and Manufacturing, Formtech, MacSteel, OG Technologies, and Stealth Medical Technologies.

George Mochnal, FIA's Director of Research and Education, was a member of the team defending the $250,000 proposal before the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund Panel.

Member companies can expect FIA and FIERF collaboration in defending a proposal which requires industry participation. A plan to commercialize the technology, so that all members may benefit, is a prerequisite.

For more information, contact George Mochnal via e-mail at [email protected], or by phone at 239-394-5717.