IPTI, Inc., one the industry’s leading innovators in pick to light technology, breaks picking free of the zone for greater efficiency by introducing its new Pick-MAX™ system.
This is the first pick to light system capable of capturing the ID of pickers as they complete picks, greatly improving productivity by eliminating efficiency-robbing zones. A key feature of the Pick-MAX system provides a hands free interface that does not require pickers to push a button to complete a pick.
This point and pick capability is provided by the Pick-MAX system’s patented Watch-Me™ device. This is an identification unit worn on the wrist like a watch.
The lightweight, accurate and easy to use Watch-Me device identifies each picker to the Pick-MAX modules during a pick or put. This device provides picker accountability for every pick in the system and eliminates the need for time-consuming picker logon and logoff functions.
The rechargeable Watch-Me requires no zone balancing or order profiling and eliminates bottlenecks. This unit also interfaces with the IPTI statistics software package.
The Pick-MAX system is supplied turnkey with a mature suite of software tools that provide easy picking operation management.
IPTI continually develops innovative pick to light products and systems for material handling operations world-wide. The company first introduced the Snap-In BUS concept; going on to engineer products that meet a number of customer needs while creating software customized to their businesses. IPTI products utilize open architecture and are therefore the choice of integrators across the country.
• Product sizes from 1.5” W x 1” L x .25" H to 12” W x 12” L x 3" H • Up to 1,200 orders per hour depending on order profile • Order accuracy nearly 100% • Each pick is confirmed via integrated sensors • Integrated low stock and out of stock sensors with indicator beacon • Greatly reduced labor requirement over other picking methods • Modular design satisfies any size system and can be expanded easily • Simple actuator provides durability and low cost • Plug-n-Play dispensers can be replaced in seconds • Adjustable dispense speed allows soft handling of delicate items • Stack heights to 6 feet depending on product configuration • RFID eliminates complicated centralized controls