PartsCaddy® Motorized Cart eliminates strains and pains from pushing heavy materials, food and linen supplies

April 23, 2008

DJ Products of Minneapolis has introduced a walk behind self-propelled motorized cart that carries large amounts of food, materials, and linens. Called the PartsCaddy®, the unit is design for moving heavy loads from one point to another in hospital environments, eliminating the manual pushing of heavy carts food, materials, and linens. 

The motorized PartsCaddy® cart can haul loads up to 2500 lb. The motorized cart has a variable speed twist grips that allows the operator to travel at speeds of 0-3 mph forward or backward. With its heavy duty, 36-volt motor being powered by three 12v batteries, the unit can perform without re-charging for an entire shift.

The motorized PartsCaddy® can be customized to any application or any environment and is available in any custom color.

For more detailed information, along with pictures and a video on the solution that solved this application, please go go thePartsCaddy - Motorized Cart.