Obtain flows as low as 1.3 picoliter/minute
Vernon Hills, Ill., February 19, 2009 — Introducing the NEW Cole-Parmer® Picoliter Syringe Pump, a unique pump capable of producing picoliter per minute flow rates.Its high-precision stepper motor allows for smooth flow with up to ±0.5% accuracy and 0.1% reproducibility. With flow rates as low as 1.3 pL/min, you are ensured high accuracy and reproducibility. This pump offers the flexibility of syringes ranging in size from 0.5 microliter to 10 milliliter. The same pump can be connected to electrical systems that are either 110 VAC 60 Hz or 230 VAC 50 Hz—providing another level of adaptability.
With its user-friendly keypad, you can infuse or withdraw fluid at milliliter, microliter, nanoliter, or picoliter volumes. Control the pump either manually, through a PC via the RS-232 connection, or with the included foot switch. The compactness of the pump, 229 x 130 x 114 mm, allows for easy placement when setting up your infusion or withdrawal experiment.
Applications include cellular injection, microflow for FIA or capillary LC, and microreaction delivery. Injection rates can be set from 0.0550 pL/sec to 0.0073 mL/sec. This pump can be easily integrated into your microfluidic/lab-on-chip experiment.
To inquire about our entire line of Microfluidics products, call 800-323-4340 or visit ColeParmer.com/4100• Syringe size accepted 0.5 microliter to 10 milliliter • Flow range per syringe 1.3 pL/min to 0.8788 mL/min • Syringe travel time 9.5 x 10-6 mm/min • Reproducibility ±0.1% • Linear force 25 lbs • Accuracy ±0.5% • Dimensions 9" x 5" x 4.5" (229 x 130 x 114mm) • Power 110/250 VAC • Baud rate RS-232