Complete Inspection Systems, Inc. has introduced their new 14 megapixel inspection station to incorporate into their range of automated inspection software for material inspection, product counting, product tracking, and anti-counterfeiting. This new 14.7-megapixed camera-based inspection system leverages the newest technology with our proven software solutions to revolutionize the inspection process. Inspec XL14 allows users to automatically capture images for detailed inspection. With a resolution of 4416 x 3312 pixels, zoom capability and with adjustable angled lighting, Inspec XL provides the perfect environment for imaging. A locking X-Y table makes it easy for the operator to keep the inspected component in the center of the frame.For comparing incoming materials, once the image is captured, our software systems will analyze and compare the images to reveal any defects in seconds. The system combines speed and efficiency with ease of use and a powerful, proven image comparison algorithm.InspecXL14 offers a fast, accurate and simple method to ensure incoming printed materials are correct. When used as part of your incoming materials inspection process, it can greatly reduce the total time spent on each article while ensuring total accuracy and compliance with design specifications. Complete systems start at under $8,000.
Inspec XL 14™ High Resolution Vision Inspection Station
May 20, 2009
Related To: Complete Inspection Systems