Np Sick Ft Mg Sensor 800 5f5834bfc70cd

One Sensor Measures Flow, Pressure, Temps

Sept. 9, 2020
A single device for accurate leakage detection, the FTMg multifunctional thermal flowmeter helps to improve energy management.

SICK has developed the FTMg — "Flow Thermal Meter for gases" — multifunctional sensor for detecting gas flow, temperature, and process pressure. It reliably displays three parameters at once by measuring the flow, pressure, and temperature, and in doing so it saves cost by improving energy management with the reliable detection of leaks.

The new sensor also is lightweight and compact for installation in tight spaces.

It detects non-corrosive gases (i.e., argon, helium, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen) and compressed air with a high level of accuracy. Using the calorimetric measuring principle, it is able to monitor transformation of heat to determine the flow rate of the gas or air within the pipeline with a measurement accuracy of ± 3% M.V. and ± 0.3% M.E.V. it also can monitor high measurement dynamics and low pressure loss.

The combination means a complete overview on the status of the cable, therefore increasing system reliability. All in all, the combination of all three parameters actually contributes to the processes continuing to run as planned and without interruption.

Users with an EN ISO 50001-compliant energy-management system can observe their energy consumption and make it more transparent for optimization. The integrated data monitoring lasts for up to seven days, therefore supporting the efficient search for even the smallest leaks in pneumatic systems.

The high measurement dynamics for detecting changes to the consumption system also make an important contribution. Measurement data can be interpreted unequivocally thanks to the presentation as a diagram on the contrast-rich display with quick changes or jumps and the correspondingly flat or steep edge of the pressure curve.

The OLED color display shows several measured values as a text and progress diagram. The simple operation also allows intuitive and simple parameterization during commissioning.

For operators of pneumatic drives an important factor is low-cost operation: The constriction-free design of the FTMg is a guarantee for low pressure loss as it guarantees nearly loss-free flow of gases through the sensor.

The FTMg multifunctional sensor collects data that it is immediately usable by viewing through various interfaces (computer, a mobile device, or through the controller), and all measurement data can be transferred via IO-Link or with switching and analog signals.

The Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) sensor has an integrated web server that enables simple operation by computer and standard browser. The PoE sensor also provides the OPC UA and MQTT interfaces.

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