
Pace Slows for China's Manufacturing and Machine Production

March 10, 2015
Overbuilding in China during the last several years has led to a slowdown of machine production and manufacturing.
Overbuilding in China during the last several years has led to a slowdown of machine production and manufacturing.

China’s machine production is expected to expand by 6.9% for 2015, making it the slowest rate of growth in the country since 2012.

The assessment comes from the Chinese Machinery Production Quarterly Tracker report from economic research and analysis firm IHS Inc.

The report points to over-building over the last several years as a reason for the slow-down in the world’s second largest economy. Much of the equipment made in China requires big investment and exports, both slowing factors in the country's current economic climate.

More about the slowdown of manufacturing in China on American Machinist.  

American Machinist is an NED companion site within Penton’s Manufacturing & Supply Chain Group.