
The NEW New Equipment Digest

Aug. 11, 2015
disruption, new equipment digest, print, online, smart manufacturing
NED finds a new voice – and a new face – to fit the explosive new world of industrial technology.

The last six months have been an exciting time for New Equipment Digest.

Since I took over Bob King's seat at the helm here in April, we have been experimenting with a lot of new styles and layouts in print, we have been slowly expanding our coverage to include some of the digital elements that I see as critical to the new industrial equipment market, and we have begun crafting our own editorial voice to help inform that market both online and in print.

Six months, I think, is long enough for experimentation. It's time for disruption. So that's what we're doing now.

If you subscribe to NED, the August issue arriving on your desk this week will be a surprise. We have completely redesigned our cover and our long-serving New Equipment Digest logo. Inside, we have stuffed the magazine full of new features and sections, highlighting the "smart manufacturing" tools that are redefining the market as well as the traditional equipment that keeps it running. At the heart of the issue, our new writer, John Hitch, penned the cover story detailing Tesla Motors' bid to disrupt our very notion of industrial energy – a strong new voice for a disruptive market.

Altogether, the issue provides the first real picture of the future of NED and the position we're taking in this market. It's a new face and a fresh voice for a vibrant industry.

These changes aren't restricted to print, of course.

Take a look at and you'll see a fresh new banner welcoming you. The products there reflect our new position and direction, aimed to arm you with the critical info you need to find the latest gear and tools for your job. And of course, John and I are churning out a steady stream of editorial projects online to help you make sense of it all.

And there is much more to come. Much, much more.

Watch closely this month for new online-exclusive features and initiatives highlighting changes to our style and function, and the increasingly robust and useful catalog and info we're adding every day.

This month marks an exciting new era for NED. The facelift is just the start.

Check it out

Travis HessmanEditor-in-ChiefNew Equipment Digest