Airius LLC, based in Longmont, Colo., designs and manufactures the Air Pear Thermal Equalizer, the Designer Series and the Suspended Ceiling destratification fans, servicing nearly any building with ceiling heights from eight to 125 feet.
Airius offers seven models of its Air Pear fan, all available with option of highly efficient electronically commutated (EC) motors.
Airius helps facility managers to gain thermal control of a building’s interior space by mixing warmer air from the ceiling to the floor to reduce temperature layering known as stratification.
Airius uses a patented stator system and tapered Venturi design to quietly circulate air in a vertical column to the floor. As a result, floor to ceiling temperature differentials are reduced to 0 to 3 degrees F.
By making a facility’s HVAC system run more efficiently, case studies show that Airius fans can cut energy costs by up to 35 percent. Airius fans also contribute to a building’s LEED rating points.
Airius achieves numerous other benefits, including improved employee and customer comfort, humidity balance, longer life for lighting systems and mitigation of mold, bacteria and odors by adding the Airius PHI kit.
Airius fans are sold worldwide with thousands of customers including leading Blue Chip companies, national and regional groceries, major sports facilities, recreation centers, schools and gymnasiums, Defense and government facilities, and nearly every type of commercial, industrial, warehouse, public and retail environment.
Every building is different. Call Airius for expert assistance in solving your specific air circulation problems.