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Zoo Fans

Aug. 30, 2016
ZOO Fans’ energy-saving fans noticeably improve comfort and reduce energy consumption, often significantly.

ZOO Fans’ energy-saving fans noticeably improve comfort and reduce energy consumption, often significantly.  Air circulation improves and hot and cold spots are eliminated.  Comfort in the Zone Of Occupancy®—down on the floor where most people live and work— goes up, HVAC systems run less, and energy costs go down.  ZOO Fans’ innovative, patented design gently mixes the air in spaces with open ceilings, drop ceilings, and suspended clouds, for ceiling heights from 8 feet to 150 feet.  These fans also help keep floors dry and reduce or eliminate condensation on equipment.  ZOO Fans reduce the load on air conditioning, and make great spot coolers.  Energy savings are immediate, typical payback periods are one-to-three years.  Easy to install, with multiple control options, ZOO Fans are proudly designed, engineered and assembled in the USA.