The website of the Forging Defense Manufacturing Consortium had been revised. It can be accessed at
It now features the following message:
To: Our American Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines
Subject: From the Forge to the Front
On behalf of the Defense Logistics Agency and the Forging Industry Association – Department of Defense Manufacturing Consortium (FDMC), thank you for supporting our Nation! Although we are not on the front lines restoring freedom in Iraq or rooting out terrorists in Afghanistan, we are working hard to ensure the DLA and the U.S. forging industry are supporting you with wrought products from the forge to the front.
Throughout its history the Defense Logistics Agency has been known for innovation and change as it strives to support the warfighter with the materiel he or she needs to get the job done, in the most cost effective and efficient manner. In 2001, DLA partnered with the forging industry to improve our supply chains. Because forgings are strong, durable, and light, they have been used for critical weapons’ parts. Forgings continue to occupy a pre-eminent place in our arsenal. Although extremely beneficial, forgings do present technical and enterprise challenges to the logistics community.
Other features:
Upcoming Events for PRO-FAST
Innovative Rapid Tooling Technology: A discussion of RSP Tooling technology developed by Dr. Kevin McHugh of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, and being commercialized by RSP Tooling, LLC.
Program Structure
Business Enterprize Intergration
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