Dylon Industries Inc. has developed Dyforge 312, a heavy-duty, ultra-high-temperature forging lubricant. A water-based, forging lubricant, it contains micro-fine graphite and a special proprietary binder additive package.
It is designed for warm or hot forging of difficult ferrous, super alloy, and powder metal parts, and is said to have demonstrated exceptional abilities during use for producing aerospace forgings, precision forgings, and net-shape forgings.
The unique difference of Dyforge 312 is its ability to wet dies that are hotter than usual. It can be used on dies with temperatures from 150 to 1300°F (66 to 704°C) to provide outstanding metal movement and superior anti-solder properties in the most demanding forging operations. It provides superior release properties and works where other lubricants can’t.
The enhanced lubrication and die cooling provided by Dyforge 312 result in extended die life, less downtime, and reduced scrap rates. Its use can also improve press cycle times or increase pieces manufactured per hour.
Dyforge 312 is said to be stable in both its concentrated version and as a dilution. It is designed to dilute easily with water. Dilution ratios depend on the severity of the job, but are usually 8:1 (eight parts water to one part concentrate) or greater.
The recommended method of applying Dyforge 312 is spraying using conventional methods. When sprayed, the material produces the most uniform coatings and better control of metal movement.
For more information on Dyforge 312, and a free brochure featuring Dylon’s synthetic, water-based, and oil-based forging lubricants, please call, write or e-mail Christopher Reuter, Dylon Industries Inc., 7700 Clinton Rd., Cleveland, OH 44144. Call 216-651-1300 or 800-237-8246 or Fax 216-651-1777. Information also is available at www.dylon.com.