Forging Industry Association officials report that feedback gathered at Forge Fair 2006 on April 4-6 in Cincinnati and a subsequent review of Attendee and Exhibitor Surveys indicate that Forge Fair 2006 was an overwhelming success. Turn to p. 26 for a brief report.
According to FIA, there were almost 1,300 participants in Forge Fair overall. A total of 264 companies were represented as attendees, and 141 companies exhibited. Also notable were the facts that exhibit booths were larger, displaying much more equipment than in 2003, and 18 countries were represented as attendees and exhibitors.
Among the comments from attendees were the following: “Great show, a lot of booths, and a lot of equipment displayed.” “Presentations were outstanding, good job!” “Liked the layout of the floor plan, easy to find what I was looking for.” “The free Cyber Caf was greatly appreciated.” “FIA booth was very informative.” “Really liked the scratch off cards, it was a lot fun, even though I didn’t win anything.” “A real educational experience, I learned a lot.” “A great opportunity to meet old friends that I haven’t seen in years.”
Two comments from exhibitors are noteworthy: “I've been buried with follow-up work from FF2006. Our people felt that this was the best convention that we have ever participated in - ever. The quantity of high quality prospects and new business during and since the show has been phenomenal.” “Just a quick note to say thanks to you and the entire staff at FIA for what we consider to be a very successful Forge Fair. I'm sure an event like that was not without hiccups, but from an exhibitors viewpoint everything appeared flawless. I believe this is a credit to you folks for all the hard work you put in and we appreciate it.”