A seminar on applying lean manufacturing principles to forging operations in job shops is scheduled for August 17 - 18, 2005 in Arlington, TX. Attendess can look forward to doing the following:
- Understand the important differences between "Toyota Lean" and "Jobshop Lean"
- Learn the use of the PFAST software to design a flexible non-cellular layout for a forge shop to produce different families of forgings without relocating the "monuments" in the facility
- Learn the use of the PFAST software to segment the large product mix of a jobshop and identify the critical part families whose value streams must be the focus for kaizen events
- Learn the use of the PFAST software to map the complete value stream of a complex assembly and translate the map into a POUS (Point-Of-Use-Storage) layout for the entire facility
- Learn the new computer-aided method - Value Network Mapping - to map and visualize a complex network of interacting Value Streams that share capacity-constrained resources in a typical jobshop
- Discuss a case study on the integration of Lean Thinking and Theory Of Constraints to design a flexible and demand-driven custom forge shop
- Discuss a case study on the integration of Lean Thinking, Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Strategic Planning at a jobshop that is even more complex than a custom forge shop - an oilfield repair shop
- Understand the challenges of leadership buy-in and culture change to transform from a batch-oriented to a waste-free and flexible manufacturing system
- Discuss with peers the numerous opportunities, constraints and strategies for successful deployment of Lean Thinking in custom forge shops
For more information and to register visit this website: http://fdmc.aticorp.org/jobshoplean/