Robotized, Optimized Forging Die Welding

April 22, 2016
Some narrowly applicable robotic systems have been developed for forging die repair, which have worked if a die is machine-prepped. NeWeld has combined several automation and welding technologies to introduce the first die-welding robot system.

Consolidating CMM, robotics, pulse welding, custom software, and specially designed welding alloys for

Over the past two decades there has been steady progress in the development of welding alloys, but the application of automation technology — i.e., robots — for die repair has been minimal.

In Making Robotic Welding Work for Forgers, Dustin Wilcox of Absolute Welding and Machining writes how the die and fabricating business has embraced the NeWeld system for robotic die welding, which combines the best available CMM technology, robotics, pulse welding, custom software, and specially designed welding alloys, to make forging die repair accurate, affordable, and very effective.

Absolute Welding and Machining is the first third-party welding shop in the U.S. to adopt the NeWeld die-welding system, realizing the numerous practical applications and advantages. Using the NeWeld robotic die-welding system, Absolute is seeing material consumption dropping by nearly 30%, along with more precise placement of alloys for problem areas. Not only does this material savings result in a reduced cost to the customer, it yields lower machining costs.

In addition, Absolute’s customers have reported die-life improvement following repairs using pulse-welding technologies.

Click here to read Making Robotic Welding Work for Forgers