China Wind Systems Begins Test Run of New Facility

Jan. 27, 2009
Company expects to begin production of forged wind-power products shortly.

China Wind Systems, Inc., which supplies forged rolled rings to the wind power and other industries and industrial equipment to the textile and energy industries in China, announced recently that it is undergoing equipment test runs at its new facility in Wuxi City. It is scheduled to commence production of forged wind-power products in the near future.

Upon satisfactory inspection of the prototypes - expected in January 2009 - China Wind Systems expects to sign purchase agreements and begin shipping orders immediately.

The company will produce forged rolled rings of up to 6.3 meters in diameter for use in wind turbine units with up to 5 megawatts (MW) capacity, as well as gear rims, flanges and shafts used in 1- 3 MW wind turbine units, whereas prior to production at this facility wind- power products were limited to forged rolled rings up to three meters in diameter for use in 1-3 MW wind turbine units.

Total design production capacity at the new facility is 40,000 tons of forged products. In 2009, the Company expects to produce more than 20,000 tons of forged products, with selling prices in the range of $1,700- $2,000 per ton.

"We are pleased to announce that we expect our new facility to be up and running in January, and we look forward to shipping products to our new and existing wind-power customers during the first quarter of 2009," said Jianhua Wu, chairman and CEO of China Wind Systems.

"Once the facility commences production we will begin supplying a broader range of forged wind- power products, and with several agreements in place and more contracts in the pipeline we are confident that our wind-power business will contribute significantly to revenue in 2009," Wu said.

For more information on the Company, visit .