TC470 Supreme solid carbide thread former combines a new geometry with more forming edges than comparable thread formers. The thread former features a new coating and surface treatment for better tool life, higher productivity, and increased process reliability in a large batch and high-volume production while achieving a lower cost per thread.
The exceptionally smooth yet hard coating improves surface quality, which, in turn, reduces torque requirements. Intended for blind and through-hole threads and thread depths up to 3.5 x DN in steel, it has also shown good results in machining cast iron and aluminum. The TC470 Supreme is offered in four variants: With or without lubrication grooves and/or internal coolant, as well as with radial or axial coolant outlet, optimized for long and short threads.
The TC470 thread former is available in dimension range of (metric) M3–M10 or (metric fine) M10 × 1–M16 × 1.5.