Major firmware update for ioLogik E1200 line of remote I/O modules introduces support for EtherNet/IP and a RESTful API.
With the addition of EtherNet/IP, one of the most popular communication protocols in industrial automation, the ioLogik E1200 presents a highly reliable, cost-effective alternative to expensive and proprietary I/O modules, while also interfacing easily with IT systems.
Upgrade makes the ioLogik E1200 an even more versatile multi-lingual tool to bring I/O data from the plant floor into nearly any IT platform or system.
ioLogik E1200 Series features:
- wide range of input and output types (including voltage, current, digital, pulse, frequency, RTD, thermocouple, etc.)
- firmware adds support for both EtherNet/IP and a RESTful application program interface designed for IIoT applications
- units can collect sensor and device data via EtherNet/IP, Modbus, and Active Ethernet I/O