Filter plenum dust collectors from process equipmentmanufacturer Precision AirConvey (PAC), Newark, Del.( control light dust loads at a very lowinitial cost relative to more elaborate dust collection systems suchas wet collectors and baghouses. Ideal for plastic film and sheetprocessors, paper and film converters and others where economy isparamount, the filter plenums effectively control non-hazardous dustparticles to support a hygienic operation, safeguard employees andinhibit dust accumulation in extruders, presses, slitters and othersensitive machinery and equipment.To promote peak performance, the PAC filter plenums feature adesigned-in magnehelic gauge that monitors pressure levels across thefilter media and helps workers determine when dust collectormaintenance and cleaning are required to restore optimum operatingconditions. To extend the uptime between shutdowns for maintenance,the filter plenums are available with an optional variable frequencydrive that overcomes the back pressure as filter caking increases. Inaddition, an optional collection drum is available for placementunder the filter plenums to permit workers to manually remove dust asit accumulates to further extend the time required between shutdowns.The PAC filter plenums include mounting lugs for secure hanging fromthe ceiling. Specification guidance and installation are also included.
Filter Plenum Dust Collectors Control Light Dust Loads Economically
Sept. 4, 2008
Related To: Precision AirConvey