For harsh and demanding end use applications, Baumer has introduced new GigE cameras engineered with special IP67-rated enclosures that withstand both moisture and particulate contamination. All critical components on the Baumer TXG Cameras are contained within the IP67 housing, specifically the electronics, the CCD sensor, and the C-mount for the lens. The enclosure is available in four different lengths that correspond with lens length. The enclosure’s design eliminates the potential for misalignment or defocusing of the lens, problems that can corrupt the precision of the vision system. The Baumer TXG Cameras with IP67 Housings feature industrial M-12 connectors that connect the cameras with the network interface. Baumer IP67-rated TXG Cameras feature high-speed multi-camera operation and frame rates of up to 90 frames per second with resolutions from VGA to 5 Meg. These cameras have the capacity to change image formats “on the fly,” and offer extremely low readout noise and minimal heat generation. Standard functions include gain, offset, and exposure time settings as well as binning and true partial scan (ROI) readout modes for improved sensitivity in low light applications or increased frame rates. A generic application programming interface, Baumer-GAPI, facilitates the camera’s integration into any application and provides camera control and development.