Lathem, one of the world's leading designers andmanufacturers of time, labor and security products for small business, todayannounced the launch of a Solar Powered Analog Wall Clock. The clock, partof a synchronized clock system called AirTime®, is engineered specifically foruse in commercial buildings and is a viable "green" alternative to a business'existing AC powered clock system. Solar panels located on the front dial of the clock recycle the room's ambientlight into power for the clock. It features a manually activated light meterwith an LED indicator that informs if a room has sufficient light to operate viasolar energy. Depending on the light level of the room, the clock eitheroperates completely off solar power or can alternatively be powered by asingle replaceable lithium battery. The clock also maintains accurate time (to the millisecond) by synchronizingto an AirTime wireless signal and providing a smooth sweeping second hand,indicative of its quality. An internal UHF radio receiver provides reliable signalreception. "Plug and play" installation, requiring no manual setting, and theAutomatic Daylight Saving Time adjustment, make the clock simple to installand maintenance free for the life of the clock."This clock is designed with the eco-friendly and energy-saving needs oftoday's businesses in mind." said Donna Lathem, AirTime national salesmanager. "Lathem is proud to continue to offer quality products that arecost-effective and easy to use. The innovative engineering of the SolarPowered clock allows a business to take their environmental efforts toanother level."* Dial diameter: 12.12" * Case diameter: 13" * Projection from wall: 2.10" * Color: Black outer ring and Gray solar panel masking * Weight: 3.98 lbs. * Supplemental battery: Lithium CR123A (included)