Computer Imprintable Label Systems (CILS) has launched their new CIL 8200S Metalizedpolyester range of chemical resistant labels where variable data can be added ‘in-house’using a thermal transfer printer.CILS chemical resistant labels when used in combination with CILS unique thermal transferribbons resist a range of chemicals and solvents including MEK and Acetone and aresuitable for rating plate and batch ID labels for aircraft components, fuel valves, hydraulicpumps and flow control gauges.CILS manufactures the widest range of durable labels in any size and durable label material,partially pre-printed or blank for you to add data and also has a bureau service to print yourbarcodes and number sequences onto labels for you. Samples are available.
Ultra chemical resistant labels – even resists MEK and Aceton
Oct. 16, 2009
Related To: CILS International