When thermal imaging inside high-temperature, refractory-lined furnaces and boilers, plant operators often cut large openings in the refractory wall to view critical areas. This can result in significant heat loss as well as difficulty keeping the opening free from debris. Those drawbacks are eliminated with The FTI-Eb Borescope from AMETEK Land, which uses the rugged LAND FTI-E thermal imaging camera to accurately profile furnace temperature through a small opening in the furnace wall. The FTI-Eb thermal imager is specifically designed for high-temperature furnaces. The camera’s lens is water cooled and air purged and able to withstand temperatures up to 2192oF. It is designed to provide a wide angle view inside the furnace and is unaffected by hot CO2 and H2O found in most combustion atmospheres.The easy to install and operate system features:• A wide-angle image inside the vessel that maximizes temperature coverage• A high-performance water cooling system with low-water flow requirements for even the highest temperature furnaces; • An integrated air purge that keeps the optical system clear of debris while consuming minimal instrument air and • An optional auto-retraction mechanism to protect the imager should its water cooling or air purge supply fail.At the heart of the system is the Land FTI-E thermal imaging camera, a high-resolution radiometric thermal imager that gives detailed temperature information transmitted via high-speed digital connection. The camera, which is designed for harsh industrial environments, captures accurate temperature from over 110,000 individual temperature points.Along with the FTI-E camera, the system includes an extensive range of dedicated system peripherals, including Land image processing software that provides flexible, on-line application specific thermal analysis, optional FTI-E control processors that provide local process control, configuration and process visualization, a ruggedized industrial housing that ensures continuous operation even under the harshest operating environments.
Borescope System Uses Small Opening to Image Furnace Temperatures
April 13, 2010
Related To: AMETEK Land