You may have aced Intermediate Accounting, but you didn't count on getting lost on the way to your first big job interview. So you arrived late and flustered, chugged a restorative cup of coffee in the reception area, and then offered your interviewer a sweaty handshake. These simple mistakes may have cost you the job. This CliffNotes-style book offers a checklist of strategies and a road map to travel the simplest, fastest, and most direct route for students to land the job of their dreams.
- Tailor your resume to the job
- Prepare for the interview—what you do before, during, and after counts
- Be truthful when asked about weaknesses
- Ask questions, but not about salary, benefits, sick, or vacation time
- Remember, mealtime interviews are not about the food
- Be courteous to everyone you meet, from the parking lot to the restroom