Book offers straight talk, valuable life strategies, practical tools, and inspiring messages for the 150 million Americans who will soon be 50 years and older—and for younger people who want to know more about the road ahead and be better prepared for the world they will soon inherit.

Readers will discover:

  • How to apply the time during this gift that is our lives to harvesting the fruits of our past and turning them into gold we can invest in the present and future.
  • How to live with greater mindfulness in each present moment so that we can more fully celebrate our lives, live the dreams we came here to live and heal any wounds that may encumber us and that we may, in turn, visit upon others and on our planet.
  • How to chart a more harmonious, joyful, and successful course for their own future and for others so that we will be able to say with pride—"We have run the course to the best of our abilities and we will leave behind a legacy of genuine value for those who come after us.