Quick Jaw Change System

March 14, 2014

With a change-over time of 5 seconds per jaw, the SCHUNK PRONTO quick jaw change system offers turbo-charged set-up times for all standard lathe chucks with fine serrations of 1/16’’ x 90° and 1.5 mm x 60°. The quick-change retrofit set consists of support jaws and clamping inserts. It is suitable for O.D. clamping of pre-machined and finished parts. By using the interchangeable insert, the clamping range can be extended by up to 16 mm, without having to re-set the supporting jaw, an increase of 300% in comparison to conventional lathe chucks. 

For jaw changes with exact repeat accuracy, the locking is released with an Allen key, the jaw is removed and replaced by another, eliminating incorrect positioning. In locked condition, a six-sided form-fit clamping ensures maximum process stability, and provides high force and torque transmission. As required by the application, three supporting jaw variations are available for small, medium, and large, clamping ranges. Four hard claw inserts for various diameters and clamping ranges as well soft interchangeable inserts for finished parts processing are provided. Once they have been turned, the inserts can be used repeatedly on a system. 

The clamping depth can be varied using a workpiece stop. It is available in size 250 with more sizes to come.

  • turbo-charged set-up times
  • available in size 250