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Driving simulation illustration

Increasing Realism in Driving Simulation

Nov. 9, 2022
Drive scenario simulation can offer significant benefits for the early testing of sensor designs and as a complement to operational road tests.

Drive scenario simulation can offer significant benefits for the early testing of sensor designs and as a complement to operational road tests.

Focusing on mmWave radar sensors, there are several challenges to the simulation of a realistic automotive scenario:

  • Near-field conditions that invalidate traditional RCS concepts
  • Densely-faceted vehicle models; complex for traditional “propagation” ray-tracers
  • Complex multipath from roadside structures (guard rails, signs, parked vehicles, etc.)
  • Dynamic scenarios with multiple vehicles in motion, potentially with moving parts

This white paper uses Remcom’s WaveFarer Radar Simulation Software to describe challenges, solutions, and recent R&D to address key aspects of the problem, including target scattering, multipath and clutter, and micro-Doppler from motion such as the moving limbs of a walking pedestrian.

Read the full white paper by clicking the download button below.