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Make vs Buy: Tradeoffs on Building an IIoT Platform

Oct. 21, 2020
This white paper discusses the growing impact IIoT is having on the global manufacturing industry.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is ushering in a new era of manufacturing—one that is centered around using data to create actionable insights that grow competitive advantage. As more advanced IIoT software and hardware continues to be developed, industrial leaders need to consider how best to position their either build an IIoT platform or leverage a ready-made solution.

This white paper discusses the growing impact IIoT is having on the global manufacturing industry, including the advantages of adopting smart manufacturing and using digital twins across the complete lifecycle of product design, manufacturing and service. Plus, learn about the challenges of building your own IIoT platform, read about industry examples to demonstrate the potential value an IIoT platform, and whether you should buy or build your own.