Nano Dimension | REHAU
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AME Technology Facilitates Development of a 3D Touch Sensor

May 11, 2020
Nano Dimension’s DragonFly LDM machine helped REHAU fabricate a 3D touch sensor.

Nano Dimension Ltd., a leading Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME)/PE (Printed Electronics) provider and REHAU, a worldwide-leading polymer manufacturer, announced that they succeeded in printing a 3D touch sensor. With the 3D electronic device, the premium polymer products from REHAU can be transformed into back-lit human-machine-interface surfaces. Thus, functionality and convenience are increased–all with a very sleek design. REHAU has established a dedicated technology platform called “Electronics into Polymers” with the mission to make its premium polymer products smarter and increase the value for its customers by seamlessly integrating electronics.

Printing was done using the DragonFly LDM, an additive manufacturing machine, which is the industry’s only comprehensive platform for round-the-clock 3D printing of electronic circuity, capable of producing unique and non-standard shapes.

In accordance with the rise of Smart Home, Smart Mobility, and IoT, the polymer-based industry is in search of new ways to develop innovative and functional devices presenting new applications with improved performances, efficiencies, and lower cost.

“Smartification is no longer just a vision for us. REHAU is developing improved products for the smart home and IoT environment, and Nano Dimension is providing important technology to help accelerate the availability of promising new applications,” said Dr. Ansgar Niehoff, Head of Technology Platform “Electronics into Polymers” at REHAU. Dr. Philipp Luchscheider, the REHAU engineer behind the 3D touch sensor design, added, “With the DragonFly LDM we will drive forward REHAU’s electronics into polymers strategy to speed up in-house electronics development and find new installation spaces and functions for our products.”

In respect to REHAU’s purchase of the DragonFly LDM electronics’ printing machine, Yoav Stern, Nano Dimension’s President and CEO commented, “REHAU will be the first of its kind to bring together in-depth knowledge of polymer materials processing with the ability to insert electronics.” Valentin Storz, General Manager of Nano Dimension EMEA added, “This gives REHAU the increased design freedom to develop innovative products, quickly and cost-effectively.”

About the Author

Nano Dimension Ltd.

Nano Dimension is a provider of intelligent machines for the fabrication of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME). High fidelity active electronic and electromechanical subassemblies are integral enablers of autonomous intelligent drones, cars, satellites, smartphones, and in vivo medical devices. They necessitate iterative development, IP safety, fast time-to-market, and device performance gains, thereby mandating AME for in-house, rapid prototyping and production. Nano Dimension machines serve cross-industry needs by depositing proprietary consumable conductive and dielectric materials simultaneously, while concurrently integrating in-situ capacitors, antennas, coils, transformers, and electromechanical components, to function at an unprecedented performance. Nano Dimension bridges the gap between PCB and semiconductor Integrated Circuits. A revolution at the click of a button: From CAD to a functional high-performance AME device in hours, solely at the cost of the consumable materials.