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Subject matter expert (SME)

Calling All Subject Matter Experts: Online Survey for Industry Job Roles

April 6, 2023
The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) is calling all industry professionals to take part in a quick survey on job roles to further solidify industry standards.

Are you an expert in your manufacturing job and all its various duties? Perhaps you're a CNC machine operator, a manufacturing technology instructor, a CAD/CAM programmer, a quality control expert, a maintenance technician, a manufacturing engineer, a press brake operator, and more. If so, NIMS is asking for a few minutes of your time online.

As part of its Smart Training Solutions framework, NIMS has developed an online “Interactive Standards Viewer” platform for employers and educators. This platform is a repository of its Smart Standards from which employers can select or build customizable job roles for their on-the-job training programs. Educational institutes also benefit by having a central repository of industry-recognized job roles to train towards.

Getting valuable feedback from subject matter experts and educators via a quick survey on one or more job roles will ensure that these are agreed-upon, industry-recognized standards.

Accessing the survey is easy via NIMS’ website by clicking here to start. Simply choose from the display of Smart Standards which will lead to various job roles within that particular industry or area. Make another click and you will see a list of duties associated with that role. To start the survey, see “Survey Me” in the top right-hand corner of the duty list page. If you have any questions, please call NIMS toll-free at (844) 839-6467.

“The purpose of the surveys is to ensure our Smart Standards are aligned to industry and to connect employers and educators,” said Montez King, executive director of NIMS. “It’s a terrific way to give back to industry, plus it’s also satisfying to have a say in this critical issue facing all of us in manufacturing. Everyone’s survey data is kept strictly confidential. Only the location of the organization the SMEs [subject matter experts] represent will be shared with our network. I, along with everyone in industry, thank you!”

Once again to take the survey, start by clicking here.

The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that was formed in 1995 to develop and maintain a globally competitive American workforce through collaboratively established industry standards, proven training frameworks, and processes that dynamically respond to our technology-driven economy. www.nims-skills.org.