Data Sharing Service for Oil + Gas

Jan. 24, 2020
PDS Energy's data-sharing service facilitates collaboration between producers in order to avoid negative interactions between closely spaced wells.

Frac Interference Exchange (FracX), a reciprocal data-sharing service, is designed to facilitate collaboration between producers in order to avoid negative interactions between closely spaced wells. FracX now enables participants to automatically import frac schedules into the exchange as well as deliver schedules directly into an operator's GIS system. With the latest round of enhancements, oil & gas producers can rapidly identify the acreage where frac hits may occur and take action, including temporarily shutting-in producing wells.


Previously, users uploaded spreadsheets containing the location and dates of planned completions into FracX, which aggregates, normalizes, and distributes the data to other participants, who have the option to download the information or view it in a web-based map interface. FracX now enables producers to automatically import data from a GIS system using FTP or API transfer methods. Similarly, data from FracX can now be automatically delivered directly into a producer's GIS system, accelerating collaboration and analysis.


Offered at no cost to the industry, the FracX service has seen rapid adoption by oil & gas producers eager to find solutions to the pervasive and growing threat of high-pressure interactions between wells being completed and nearby producing wells.