With superior durability, thermal shock, and chemical resistance, EP76M is a two-component, nickel-filled epoxy that exhibits high-bond strength to similar and dissimilar substrates. It has a coefficient of thermal expansion of 30 in/inx106/°C. EP76M has a service operating temperature range of -60 to +250°F.
EP76M is easy to apply. Contact pressure is only required for cure. The adhesive spreads evenly and smoothly. It is 100% reactive and does not contain any diluents or solvents. Cures can be accelerated by the use of heat. Parts A and B are both colored gray. EP76M is available for use in glass jars and metal containers. They are packaged in small and larger sizes (pint and quart units) for convenient application.
- Convenient handling: forgiving one to one by weight or volume
- Contains no solvents or diluents
- Versatile cure schedules; ambient temperature cures or fast elevated temperature cures as required
- Good electrical and thermal conductivity
- Exceptional bond strength
- Highly useful physical strength profile