Mitsubishi Forklift Trucks introduces the FBC15NS-FBC20NS series of electric counterbalanced Stand-up End Control trucks. With capacities ranging from 3,000 to 4,000 lbs., this series is a great choice for fast-moving applications requiring extensive shuttling, frequent entries and exits of trailers and tight turns in narrow spaces. Designed with a range of reliable performance options, the FBC15NS-FBC20NS series is built to last. The 100 percent transistorized AC drive and hydraulic control systems deliver exceptional productivity and ease of service that help minimize downtime. Performance also can be customized to the application or to the operator through the standard premium display. Serviceability advantages, such as 500 hour service intervals and display-based diagnostics, help to maximize uptime for customers. In addition to long-lasting and reliable applications, the FBC15NS-FBC20NS series features electric power steering, low step height and knee, hip and elbow padding to help reduce operator fatigue over long shifts. The flexible side stance operating position allows operators to easily adjust to various travel and application requirements with minimal effort. Excellent visibility through the mast and around the overhead guard legs, combined with precise control using the multifunction control handle make it easy for operators to load or unload trailers and to pick or rack loads.