Slim Line Series of Industrial Ethernet Switches can be used in an expanded range of applications and locations.  These managed and unmanaged switches now carry the hazardous location certifications: UL1604, CSA22.2/213 per CUL (Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, D); EN50021/EN60079-15 (Zone 2) and ATEX Group II, Cat 3 (Zone 2). Plus they are available for special order with a wide operating temperature range of up to -40 to 75°C, making these switches ideal for indoor and outdoor applications alike.As their name indicates, these switches are known for their very compact and slim packaging design that allows them to fit into the tightest spots, where DIN rail space is a premium.  They can also be direct panel mounted.These switches support all standard IEEE 802.3 protocols and offer real-time deterministic operation with intelligent routing to prevent collisions.  Auto-sensing, auto-crossover and auto-polarity ensure true plug and play connections every time. The managed models support RSTP for redundancy, VLAN for network segregation, IGMP for multicast filtering, security with encryption and authentication, SNMP for network management and many more advanced features.The Slim Line Industrial Ethernet Switches have rugged circuitry and redundant power inputs plus industrial surge and spike protection to keep your system up and running continuously.  These switches are backed by 5-year support policy and SIXNET's 30+ years of experience designing truly industrial products.  They are ultra-reliable with over 1,000,000 service free hours (MTBF).• Operation: Store and forward wire speed switching, non-blocking • Mode: Full or half duplex operation with flow control supported on all ports • MAC Addresses: 2048 • Memory Bandwidth: 3.2 Gbps • Latency (typical): 5 us for 100 Mbps and 16 us for 10 Mbps (plus frame time) • Ethernet Isolation: 1500 Vrms 1 minute • Console Port: RS232 (RJ45), Fixed settings: 9600, 8N1 (9600 Bps, 8 data bits, parity = None, stop bits = 1, flow control)