weighing, batching and storage system

July 24, 2008
A new weighing, batching and storage system from Meese Orbitron Dunne, Ashtabula, Ohio (www.ShipShapeContainers.com), features an innovative, dual-hopper design that ensures material is always on hand and ready for processing. Ideal for managing powders, granules and liquids used for continuous and batch production of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, inks, paints, coatings, plastic products and others, the new MOD Material On Demand system integrates two plastic hoppers capable of holding up to 800 lbs. each with designed-in bench scales all secured within a durable, powder coated steel frame. Machine operators draw material from one hopper during production and when it is empty, material is drawn from the second hopper without halting production. The empty hopper is removed by forklift and replaced with a fully loaded hopper without idling staff or machinery. Designed and developed by MOD engineers, the Material on Demand system also enables a measured amount of material to be dispensed from the hopper to promote consistency in shot weight, which results in enhanced product quality, savings in material and reduced reject rates. In the company's plastics rotational molding operations, the material yield due to less waste increased by over five percent and none of the company's 28 molding machines have been idled due to a lack of material in the first year since installing the system.