World´s First Radio Modem with Internet Access

Dec. 17, 2008
SATEL, a leading manufacturer of radio modems for long range wireless data, today announced SATELLAR DigitalSystem, a smart radio modem combining TCP/IP-functionalities, a Linux platform for customer specific applications,and a versatile modular structure. Whereas radio modems have conventionally been used to simply convey data -essentially replacing a cable in inconvenient locations - SATELLAR can do a lot more. The central unit, one ofSATELLAR´s modular units, is essentially a computer with sufficient processing power and memory to runsophisticated software applications in addition to the operating system, IP-router, and web configuration server.Fewer devices are needed on site, which means that costs and complexity may be lowered without compromisingfunctionality.Modularity is another aspect in which SATELLAR brings a paradigm shift to the radio modem industry. TheSATELLAR digital system offers different units - building blocks - that can be combined to construct a radio modemwith the right functionalities for the specific location in question. The radio unit, which is the basic building block,can alone be used to access RS-232-based devices, for example, or act as a radio repeater. The central unit, withits TCP/IP-capabilities and a Linux platform, can be added to locations where more functionality is useful.