IDEA Drive with easy to use graphic user interface

Feb. 10, 2010
Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions introduces the Haydon RoHS compliant IDEA™ programmable stepper motor drive.  The IDEA Drive is a compact, easy-to-use electronic drive and fully programmable control unit with a patent pending graphic user interface.  Programming the drive is though the use of on-screen buttons instead of complicated command sets or other proprietary programming languages.In addition to the graphic user interface programming, another unique feature of the IDEA Drive is automatic population of the motor and drive parameters based on entering a Haydon actuator part number when prompted by the user interface.  Complex parameter calculations or in-depth stepper motor knowledge from the user is completely unnecessary.  For a more experienced user, default values can easily be adjusted as long as they remain within the safe range calculated by the software.  The software allows the system designer to easily troubleshoot programs using line-by-line or multiple line program execution using the interactive debug feature.  Inputs and outputs can also be simulated in software before ever connecting actual I/O hardware.        Other features include programmable current control, a single supply voltage of 12 to 48 VDC, 2.6Arms (3.68Apeak) max rated current per phase, and 8 opto-isolated general purpose I/O.  The inputs are rated for 5 to 24 VDC, 4mA max per input.  The outputs are open collector, 5 to 24 VDC, 200mA maximum per output.  Communications to the IDEA Drive is via a USB to mini USB.