IR & Broadband Optics transmit from the visible to 20 µm for OEMs of detectors, sensors, and systems that incorporate multiple wavelength devices. Sapphire is available for the visible through mid- and near IR out to 20 µm utilizing calcium fluoride, magnesium fluoride, germanium, silicon, zinc selenide, and zinc sulfide.
Supplied in prototype through production quantities, Meller IR & Broadband Optics can incorporate finishes from 60-40 to 40-20 scratch-dig with flat-ness to 1/10th wave in the visible and < 2 arc sec. in./in. parallelism, depending upon material, size, and construction.
- sizes from 0.25 to 4-in. O.D. or diagonal, with ±0.005-in. tolerance and thickness to ±0.002 in.
- available with or without anti-reflective coatings
- can be custom produced as windows, lenses, and mirrors in various configurations
- OEMs of detectors, sensors, and systems that incorporate multiple wavelength devices
- finishes from 60-40 to 40-20 scratch-dig with flat-ness to 1/10th wave in the visible and < 2 arc sec. in./in. parallelism