AZ60-A Motorized Vertical Elevator Stage is a low profile, high resolution, wedge-type stage for precise vertical positioning.
The 3 x 2 in. (87 x 60 mm) drilled and tapped stage has a vertical travel of 5/32 in. (4 mm). The crossed roller guides and a precision ground 5/16 in. diameter (8 mm) 250 microns/turn lead ball screw provide smooth, straight movement. The stage delivers good parallelism and high resolutions to 1.25, 0.625, and 0.125 µm, and repeatability to +/- 0.5 µm. Travel speeds are up to 3/32 in./s (2.5 mm/s).
The stage is constructed of black-anodized aluminum alloy and weighs just 2.5 lb. (1 kg). A NEMA 14 2-phase stepper motor has a double-ended shaft with a knob for manual adjustments; this knob may be replaced with a quadrature encoder for position verification. The non-cantilevered moving wedge elevator stage has a load capacity of 15 lb. (7 kg) without concern for the loss of parallelism, and the base plate has easy access to the holes for mounting.
3 x 2 in. (87 x 60 mm)
Cross-roller lead-type
- Photonic alignment, wafer inspection, precision vertical alignment, laser marking
- Optical positioning, testing, inspection, assembly, sampling
- Laser drilling and machining in a broad range of industrial, medical, semiconductor, and research facilities