Kadant GranTek Inc.

Green Bay, WI 54304


About Kadant GranTek Inc.

Kadant GranTek Inc. in Green Bay, Wisconsin, a subsidiary of Kadant Inc., transforms papermaking waste products into several viable cellulose granular products used as carriers for pest control in crop protection, green space maintenance, as an all-purpose industrial absorbent, and as premium cat box fillers.


607 Liberty St.
Green Bay, WI 54304
(920) 435-5200

More Info on Kadant GranTek Inc.

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Kadant GranTek Inc. in Green Bay, Wisconsin, a subsidiary of Kadant Inc., transforms papermaking waste products into several viable cellulose granular products used as carriers for pest control in crop protection, green space maintenance, as an all-purpose industrial absorbent, and as premium cat box fillers.