AcXys Technologies

Saint Martin le Vino 38950


About AcXys Technologies


50 bis Rue des Vingt Toises
Saint Martin le Vino 38950

More Info on AcXys Technologies

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AcXys Technologies designs, manufactures, and sells surface treatment equipment using atmospheric plasma technology. Its products offer a wide range of solutions for industrial customers as well as research labs. Targeted applications include materials activation before bonding, printing, and painting; organic materials cleaning on surfaces; thin film coating using CVD process: gas barrier, hydrophoby, anti-erosion, and optical layer. All materials and all shapes can be treated including plastics, metals, fabrics, and glass. AcXys Technologies offers stand-alone equipment or equipment for full integration into production lines. AcXys Technologies also has an R&D department for process testing and development, as well as an equipment rental service.