Tech Products, Inc.

Staten Island, NY 10305


About Tech Products, Inc.

Tech Products, Inc. is an industry leader in the manufacture of identification products for electric and gas utilities, telecommunication and cable companies, OEMs, and pipeline companies.


105 Willow Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10305

More Info on Tech Products, Inc.

Tech Products, Inc. is an industry leader in the manufacture of identification products for electric and gas utilities, telecommunication and cable companies, OEMs, and pipeline companies. 


Since 1948, Tech has been manufacturing brands like Everlast, Fasttag, Tech-3D, TechBrite, Three-D, and Tag-Eze. Its specialty has become pole tags, cable markers, embossed metal nameplates, and transformer labels.


Tech Products is known for creating the Everlast brand and that has led to brands like Fasttag, Tech-3D, TechBrite, and Three-D. Its brands are known for their rugged long-term use.