About Dagoma
Goleta, CA
More Info on Dagoma

Dagoma is a French startup that designs, manufacture and sell 3D printers, filaments and associated hardware. Born of in Shanghai between two enthusiasts of innovations french guys, convinced that 3D printing would one day arrive in everyone home, DAGOMA is now located in FRANCE (Lille) and in the USA (Goleta).
Their ambition: to offer a consumer-friendly 3D printer, "made in Local"? and less than $300. Challenge raised in January 2015 with the launch their 3D printer on the French market for individuals: the Discovery200. An economic, functional machine, sold in kit (299 €) or mounted (399 €), allowing to print parts of 200x200X200mm in PLA biodegradable. Its success is immediate. In less than 3 years, it sells more than 7,000 machines sold.
In June 2015, it entered the professional market with the arrival of the Explorer350, a very high quality (250x250x350mm) and multi-material quality printer.
In September 2016, it launched the DiscoEasy, a more complete evolution, easier to use than the Discovery200, and always at the same price.
Its ambition is to democratize 3D printing, change habits and allow creativity. She aspires that every home has a 3D printer, that everyone is able to realize his dreams and materialize his desires. If, today, the company offers French consumer 3D printers at the best price, it also offers a whole range of training courses, workshops, an on-demand printing service and events and is already working on new innovations.